Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Use for SCUBA Gear

Yesterday I was a birthday party for a friend's child, where all of the kids were in costumes.   Well as you already get it from reading the first line of this post, one kid there wasn't and he didn't have one either.  So, I had all my stuff in the back of the truck like I do most of the time, because I'm always ready for a dive.  I told the kid that he just needed to follow me and that I had a costume that no one else would have one and that I would be very realistic as well.  So I put in him BCD, Mask, Snorkel and Fins and he felt sooo happy that I had a costume on then!  It made my day know that I had found yet another use for my SCUBA gear and that I could turn what was a bad day for him into a great one! 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vegas is coming up very quickly

For those of you who are a DM or above you know that DEMA is just around the corner.  Now with under 20 days left before the big day things are about to get crazy!  I know that I've personally got to get my head back in the game and focus on some PADI related studying that have been put off for a while and get ready for my EFR Instructor Trainer class that I've got to take next week.  WOW...did I just say next week.  Saying it and seeing it are two different that I've seen the date it really time to study now!   When are you going to dust off the books and get back into the game or expand your current diving knowledge? 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

100th Dive Completed! WOW...100 dives

So what does it take for someone to do 100 dives?  Dedication!  Most pleasure divers don't hit this number, ever!  Why?  Well, if you think about the average diver doing 4-6 dives total during a 5 day vacation it would take...17yrs of vacationing to hit that number.

Well we had one diver hit this number!  To top that…he has done it in less than 6months and it was done on 10-10-10!  Great job Scott C.!  Congrats on joining this elite club and I hope passion follows for years to come.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Course of the Week

So the course of the week was the Refresher Course!  So many people are going out of town for Fall Break with the kids having next week off of school.  I wish that I was going some where too that had warm water!  It seemed like all I did this week was Refresher Classes.  It was nice to see diver who had not been diving for 6mths or greater getting back into the water with someone before just going diving.  Regardless of how long you've been diving it is always a good idea to get back into the water for a quick tune up before going on vacation.  There are so many things that it will do for you...but the biggest one is that it will make you a safer diver! 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WOW! Look at that DM Cert!!

So today in the mail bag I received Barry's DM Card!  So I decided to give it to him via pool side tonight after we completed a Refresher Course.  I was having camera problems, well not really problems, more like user error but it took a great pic any way.  I've got to do more with this thing if I ever get a chance.  Great job Barry on earning your first Professional level cert!  So now starts the wall of shame....who else will join the ranks?         

Sunday, October 3, 2010

National Cleanup Day Event from 9-25-10

So last weekend we held the first National Cleanup Event for the Arizona Chapter of Sport Chalet.  For the first event of its kind the turn out was good and I hope that the next one will be even better!  We had students from my store in Scottsdale, some from Goodyear and Tempe as well.  On this day we collected around 200lbs in trash from the shoreline and underwater.  It made me feel good that the divers here in the desert care so much about the environment that took part of their morning to come out to Lake Pleasant to participate.  Thanks to everyone that helped out! 
On the same day Chirs Fuller our Aqua Lung Rep came to the store and held a Demo Day.  Where he pulled out the latest and greatest Aqua Lung gear for our customers to put on and try in the pool.  The response from the customers was great!  It resulted in a great day of sales for the store as well.  I was sooo busy with customers on the sales floor that I didn't even get a chance to try any of it out!!  It was kind of funny really but the words that I used when I found out that everything was put up before I could even get into the water that day...well lets just say they where ones I learned from my father who was a mechanic!
I owe a big THANK YOU to Bob, Barry, Chris and Scott.  Without the help of these guys the event would have been much harder to pull of!  Thanks again guys!



The Start of Something New

This is the start of something new!  I've got great plans for this Blog but like most I'm not sure to how to get them all out there.  I will do my best to keep this updated with diving schedules, pictures and fun events that are taking place.  Customers have been asking for something online to get up to date information and this was the solution that I came up with.  If you have suggestions for this site please let me know!